Mini-Cade | Half Size Arcade Machine
Retro Active Arcade

Mini-Cade | Half Size Stand-Up Arcade Machine - Retrowave Theme
Actual Dimensions:
- Actual Dimensions: 17.75" x 17" x 46.75" (W x D x H)
- Total Weight: 75 lbs
- Retrowave Theme Decal
- 19-in-1 Game List
- Suzo Happ 8 way joystick
- Convex LED Fusion buttons
- Chrome Trim
- 16" LCD monitor
- Back lit marquee
- Plexiglass monitor cover
- Lockable back access panel
- 3 Year Warranty (excluding physical & liquid damage)
- Free Online and Phone Technical Support
Arcade Terms of Service
Retro Active Arcade Ltd manufactures arcades with coin doors for novelty and aesthetic purposes only. We inform all customers of the legality of any multi game board and the absence of legal license to operate the arcade in a commercial setting to generate revenue. Retro Active Arcade Ltd equips all arcades with a Free Play Button as the systems are not designed or sold for commercial use. This product has been designed for a specific personal use of application. This product may not be used for unlawful purposes and that use is expressly prohibited. In no event shall Retro Active Arcade Ltd be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special consequential damages, to property or life, whatsoever arising out of or connected with the misuse of it's products. Retro Active Arcade Ltd will also not be liable for any punitive damages, fines, or legal action in accordance with the customers local gaming laws.